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Classroom Accessibility

Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) works with students with disabilities, the University Registrar, campus facilities, and University ADA Services to ensure that classrooms are accessible. If you are registered with SSD and need assistance with the following, please contact the SSD office at 540-231-3788 or An SSD coordinator will review your request and your situation and take appropriate steps. 

  • Classroom accessibility: Elevators, power doors, restrooms, etc.
  • Classroom equipment: Accessible desks, chairs, lab equipment
  • Distance between classes: For students with mobility disabilities, classrooms may need to be relocated to accommodate needs.

Some classroom locations cannot be moved because of the nature of classroom activities, such as science labs, art studios, computer labs, or due to the size of classroom. Every reasonable attempt will be made to ensure that students with disabilities can get to all of their classes on time and be able to be comfortable and use classroom equipment. 

Curb cuts, ramps, and other modifications to physical structures are handled through University ADA Services.