Donna Smith
Donna Smith, Services for Students with Disabilities

Donna's Bio
Donna is a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC) and earned her Master of Arts in Rehabilitation Counseling from The University of Alabama in 2008. She earned her Ed.S. in Counselor Education from The University of Alabama in 2016. She has previously worked as an Accommodations Specialist at The University of Alabama and as an Associate Professor and Counselor in the Virginia Community College System. She’s been a Disability Counselor at VT’s SSD office since 2014. She published an article in 2015 about nursing students with disabilities: Neal-Boylan, L., & Smith, D. (2015). Nursing students with physical disabilities: Dispelling myths and correcting misconceptions. Nurse Educator, 1. doi:10.1097/NNE.0000000000000191.
She resides in a log cabin on a mountain in Carroll County with 3 birds, 3 dogs, one black bear, and several raccoons.